Saturday, December 29, 2007


Have too much time, brain cells and eyesight to spare? Try Griddlers, where art meets logic.

Griddlers is a site with nonograms. Nonograms are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.

I have been working on a triangular puzzle (Triddler) for the past 3 days, total of 7 hours. Its amazing how this (click to enlarge):

can become this:

Great way to waste your time away.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Stacks and stacks of...

MONEY! Yea... You wish...

Since no one cares, I think i shouldn't too. Let's do something else!

What's this?:

Yea, you guessed...... Staplets.

New upcoming property: Staplets Heights

Want to live in it? Looks nice eah......

Wait, there's also a moutain beside it: Mount Staplets

Wow. Nice mountian for the hikers.

And on the other side, is the shopping centre: Staplets Trades

Looks unstable. Fret not, its certified as a safe building.

But how do you get to Staplets Trades (Sesame Street)? By the Great Staplets Bridge of course!

Note: ALL are done without glue. They are only stable under their own weight and friction.

Stay tuned for pictures of other stacks I've done!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


If no one cares, why should I? Bye~

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Indigestible truth

Why do some people prefer to believe in themselves, rather than the truth?

A few days ago I was telling someone some truth, but he insisted to dismiss what I've said and to believe what he thinks. I had a hard time convincing him that what I said was the solid truth that couldn't be changed, never had, never did, and never will.

Is the truth really that hard to believe? Or is it that what I have tried to explain was just to "good" to be true? It all boils down back to trust. And only now, have I known, that I can't even convince a person whom I had known for 7 years.

Its either that the truth is too indigestible, or there was something wrong with the 7 years of fun, joy and laughter we shared.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mean what you say

When you say something, make sure you are able to do it. Don't just say, and then do nothing.

Yes, its that One Fuckedup Retarded lecturer again, who said that he would post up our test results on the blackboard and has yet to do so.

Enough of deliberate pickings of OFR, it really is irritating (just like that chicken) to have someone say something, and then never gets it into action.

To put it in other words, its like giving false hopes. You wouldn't want false hopes right? Then don't say what you can't do, and do what you say.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Communicating effectively

"对话要对时 也要对人"
Translated to be: "Say the right things, at the right time, to the right person".

Everyone communicates. The normal, the dumb, the deaf, the blind. Communicating may just seem to be an act of making your stand known to others; but there is much much more than that. Communicating, in this context, basically just means talking or chatting, verbally or non verbally.

For an effective communication to take place, 3 conditions must be satisfied: Saying the right thing, at the right time, and to the right person. Should any of the conditions not be met, it will not be considered as communication; even though it may seem so. 3 conditions, which would effectively be 2^3 = 8 combinations.

I don't know why, but I always have people talking to me with the wrong content or to the wrong person. I am so, totally, NOT interested in the topic, yet, they just don't want to give me peace.

Can't understand what is going on in these people's mind. They talk non stop, about a topic you hate, or would bore you, or even hurt you. They don't care, they just fucking go on and on and on. SHUT THE FUCK UP FUCKER.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Exclusive: Yusof Ishak wearing hats!!!

Probably first in Singapore, Yusof Ishak wearing hats.

Partying Yusof Ishak:

Schooling Yusof Ishak:

Yusof Ishak as Sultan:

Yusof Ishak as cowboy:

Now, let's put the quadruplets together:

Yep, all folded by me. All using only one piece of note. If you want to see the real thing, please arrange to meet me before its too late. (when I feel broke I might just spend them)

Now, only if they can smile... ...

Oh ya, forgot something:

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Translated to be: "The faster you want to complete a task, the more difficult it will be to complete."

Haste, a word often heard in MapleStory parties. Denotes a skill which allows you to move faster, thus killing monsters faster and leveling faster. Anyway, let's not talk about haste in virtual context. Let's apply it to real life.

Let me ask you. How many vehicles do you think can go pass an amber light in Singapore? The answer is (highlight it) stunningly 1 bus, 1 car and 2 lorry trucks, not a 4 lane road, but a 2 lane. I saw them really speed pass that amber light.

Is being hasty really that important? Yes, only when you are such a procrastinator *hint hint to [miin]*, and the datelines are coming. But other than that, I don't see a reason to why you should do things faster than a speed you are comfortable with. You are just giving yourself a chance to make mistakes.

However, there are somethings, which I really don't know why, approach it with or without haste, you can never get it done; at least not yet. Failures of being hasty, and never occurrences of being not hasty. When you don't rush into it, people think that its totally not important to you, and never take any actions to it. Rush into it, and others think why the heck are you so fucked up with something like this.

Life, so fucked up that you don't really know what to do.