MONEY! Yea... You wish...
Since no one cares, I think i shouldn't too. Let's do something else!
What's this?:

Yea, you guessed...... Staplets.
New upcoming property: Staplets Heights

Want to live in it? Looks nice eah......
Wait, there's also a moutain beside it: Mount Staplets

Wow. Nice mountian for the hikers.
And on the other side, is the shopping centre: Staplets Trades

Looks unstable. Fret not, its certified as a safe building.
But how do you get to Staplets Trades (Sesame Street)? By the Great Staplets Bridge of course!

Note: ALL are done without glue. They are only stable under their own weight and friction.
Stay tuned for pictures of other stacks I've done!
Since no one cares, I think i shouldn't too. Let's do something else!
What's this?:

Yea, you guessed...... Staplets.
New upcoming property: Staplets Heights

Want to live in it? Looks nice eah......
Wait, there's also a moutain beside it: Mount Staplets

Wow. Nice mountian for the hikers.
And on the other side, is the shopping centre: Staplets Trades

Looks unstable. Fret not, its certified as a safe building.
But how do you get to Staplets Trades (Sesame Street)? By the Great Staplets Bridge of course!

Note: ALL are done without glue. They are only stable under their own weight and friction.
Stay tuned for pictures of other stacks I've done!