Sunday, September 30, 2007

Being cheated

Translated to be :"No one can be trusted"

Have you been cheated before?

People can be cheated in many ways - money, feelings, service, sex, or anything else. In TV serials (or real life) where there is a love polygon (almost to be considered as a circle), they cheat around. Old people get cheated with apples and oranges. Teachers get cheating students. Friends cheat each other, for fun or for ownself. Cheating, and being cheated, is everyday, everywhere, everytime, and everyone. I wouldn't believe no one has cheated or no one hasn't ever been cheated.

We cannot stop others from cheating, but we can prevent ourselves from being cheated. Trust, is the key. Do you trust everyone? No you don't. No one does. There are different levels of trust. Absolute trust, partial trust, or totally no trust at all. How many friends to you trust absolutely? How many friends do you tell everything to? For me, its only one. The more people you give trust to, the more vulnerable you are to being cheated.

How many people do you trust? That is not important. What is important is how many people do you not trust at all? Well, nobody likes to not trust someone, but we have to do it. There is nothing we can to about it. Some poeple are just ment to not be trusted. They cannot be trusted and must not be trusted. Trust them, and get cheated.

When you tell a secret to a friend, and he promised to not tell others, but went around to spread it like peanut butter, kaya, butter, jam... ... (alright, you got it already). Even this "simple" act is an act of cheating on friends. You trusted them, but it was misplaced. Unlucky. That is all that you can say. Prevention? Trust no one.

Would you give 100% trust in a relationship? In theory, you should. Idealy, you should. To have a happy relationship, you should. But, will you? Can you? I wouldn't. Maybe 99.999999999999... ..., but not 100. Just can't. You can't be sure when your other half will bluff you on (an answer for a question you are stuck on) or (when he/she gives you a surprise even though you asked what he/she is up to). Maybe that will be the only times they would not be telling the truth, but that is still equivilent to being cheated. What I am trying to say here is that, big or small, never totally trust them.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There is a limit to everything, how true. (originally quoted from [miin])

Everything has its limits. Just like me trying to upload an 11Mb attachment onto an e-mail and triggered [miin] to come up with this. Limits are there, of course, to limit things that we do or things that can happen.

Things that are meant to be done have to be done. Like for [miin] who procrastinates her assignments again and again for the whole holiday, there is a limit to slack time, I say. Also, limits exists for the amount of assignment one is supposed to get. But unfortunately, this limit is totally different between a student and a lecturer.

Life, also has its limits. When a person has to die, that person must die.

When achieving things, we often don't know the limits we can reach. We naturally continue moving forward irregardless of whether we have reached our limits. Behind our limits could be an impassible wall, or a cliff, with the latter being the more dangerous one. Therefore, we must know our limits to prevent irreversible disasters.

Now, lets limit x to infinity... ...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

How knowledgeable are you?

First in the series, click here to take the quiz.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jumping into conclusions

骑白马不一定是王子 也许是唐僧
长翅膀不一定是天使 也许是鸟人

Translated to be:
The one who rides a white horse may not be a prince. He could be Tripitaka.
The one with wings may not be an angel. He may be a bird man (jiao lang).

Sometimes, somethings are just too often seen that we jump into conclusions. That is the result of constant exposure to the same cause and effect over and over again. These exposures are beneficial, but people use them in the wrong way - jumping into conclusions.

The result of doing the same thing may not turn out to be the same. It could just be that some results appear more often than others. Take running as an example. Not everyone finishes with a better heart, some finish with a dead heart.

Even during something that can determine the life and death of someone, in a court trial, lawyers often jump into conclusions and throw back at the witness. Such acts can sometimes make complicated things easy, or make them even more complicated. Decision of life and death... ...

Jumping into conclusion is something no one should ever do. How much it affects, how positive or how negative, varies to each individual. Such acts are more dangerous than it can do good and therefore one should not jump into conclusions.

But, its the human nature to do so... ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Small world

First, I got to know that one of my friend is staying at just the block beside me. Next, when we were taking cab back home, the driver lives in the same block as my friend.

How small can this world get? How often do you face these kind of situations? You average walk pass the same person 50 times in your whole lifetime. Scary? And you won't even know who he is.

Go take a look at you friendster. How many times have you been shocked that your friend is your friend's friend? (of course that doesn't include "oh you viewed my profile, let me add you")

Your sister's classmate's brother is your classmate?

By chance you meet your teacher in school when he was just only back to use the toilet? (he was nearby -.=)

And of course, in the ***(lets just let somebody know what I am talking about and leave some others in the dark), every time you meet people you know or had seen before. Your enemy could be your friend's good friend. Your enemy's enemy is your friend. Your friend's enemy's friend's friend is actually you. Whatever.

The world is so small that it scares me. Too many times of coincidence, just too many.

You say, isn't the world small? Or is it just that Singapore is small?

Monday, September 17, 2007


Translated to be:"No secrets in this world can be kept"

Everyone has secrets. Everyone. They are kept for a number of possible reasons:
  • protecting oneself from harm,
  • protecting others from harm,
  • keeping your views unknown,
  • preventing a disaster,
  • or simply just for the fun of it.
But secrets will eventually not be secrets. The harder you try to keep them, the easier they will be exposed. Secrets are meant to be shared anyway.

Nobody can keep a secret. Secrets are hard to keep anyway. Friends drill and dig you for the secret. You blurt it out when you are drunk. Your trusted friend betray you by spreading them. You need this secret to prove your innocence. And of all, you get sick from keeping the secret(literally, or non literally).

And when the secret is exposed, you blame yourself(or others) for leaking them. You wish you could turn back time and continue keeping it. Whats done is done. It is not a secret anymore. However, if you were to settle down and think for a minute, exposed secrets are not that bad after all. You get the relief of keeping a secret. You can discuss it openly and come to a conclusion that you could never think of. Your friends can help you in any difficulties you encounter. Continue thinking and you can come up with a thousand of reasons why secrets are supposed to be made known.

Self denial? Absolutely not. To a certain extend, yes, they relief your pain for your loss of secret. But these reasons are not lies you tell yourself. They are not for self denial. These are actual benefits that can't be compared to benefits of keeping a secret in anyway. That, is how it should be.

Sometimes, outcomes of revealing a secret can be unexpected. Your crush may be having a crush on you too(what everyone hopes for), your friends ostracise you(if so, they are not fit to be your friend anyway), your parents disown you(till then, you may start to debate if your parents are really your parents), or worse of all, someone gets jailed or dies over this secret(but still, it shouldn't be kept). It will reveal how true your friends are, who are the supportive ones, and who are those that should be shunned. Painful as may be, reality. But definitely worth the truth you get.

So go ahead, tell your friends what ugly things you did, tell your crush how much you feel about them, and best of all, tell me all your secrets(evil laugh).

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Enjoy Life

"人生好比被强奸 不能挣扎就好好的享受一番"
Translated to be: "Life is akin being raped. When you can't resist, enjoy."

How contradicting. An optimist first post(and heading) with a pessimist blog address. Who cares.

There are many things in life that we can't do anything about(as in, preventing it from happening). Like having a bad exam(the questions you get) resulting in bad grades, the loss of loved ones, betrayal of friends, and many other things that no one with a right mind would want it to happen. The only thing we can do is how we react to these mishaps. You can rant and complain about them for one day, one week, one year, or forever. But one thing for sure: You still can't do anything about it. It HAS happened.

Of course, you can do things to make yourself better(rantings), or to seek justice(revenge, reasoning, quarreling). In fact, these should be done and must be done. One must stand up for the unjust one has faced. When people say:"恶人自有恶报"(Translated to be:"Evil doers will eventually pay for their doings"), they are telling others that they are weak. They don't dare, and don't have the ability to seek justice. They are just waiting for others to seek justice for them.

Waiting is not an option in life(unless you are faced with the danger of being ostracised and whacked like in the case of cutting a queue). Do things when they are supposed to be done. Procrastination only ends up in traffic jams(of your own time-traffic).

Ignore people whom asks you to stop seeking justice(sounds nicer than revenge? shouldn't be called "revenge" too; that's a wrong word to use), for they are just trying to stop you from enjoying life.

Ignore people whom labels you as someone without humanity, for they are wrong. You are just acting as a reflector. Send everything back. Protect yourself.

The key to enjoying life depends on how you face your unhappiness in your life. Forgetting is not an option. Neither should it be.

Go ahead. Do what you want(leave this out when you are in army). Enjoy life the way you want it.