Saturday, December 29, 2007


Have too much time, brain cells and eyesight to spare? Try Griddlers, where art meets logic.

Griddlers is a site with nonograms. Nonograms are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.

I have been working on a triangular puzzle (Triddler) for the past 3 days, total of 7 hours. Its amazing how this (click to enlarge):

can become this:

Great way to waste your time away.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Stacks and stacks of...

MONEY! Yea... You wish...

Since no one cares, I think i shouldn't too. Let's do something else!

What's this?:

Yea, you guessed...... Staplets.

New upcoming property: Staplets Heights

Want to live in it? Looks nice eah......

Wait, there's also a moutain beside it: Mount Staplets

Wow. Nice mountian for the hikers.

And on the other side, is the shopping centre: Staplets Trades

Looks unstable. Fret not, its certified as a safe building.

But how do you get to Staplets Trades (Sesame Street)? By the Great Staplets Bridge of course!

Note: ALL are done without glue. They are only stable under their own weight and friction.

Stay tuned for pictures of other stacks I've done!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


If no one cares, why should I? Bye~

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Indigestible truth

Why do some people prefer to believe in themselves, rather than the truth?

A few days ago I was telling someone some truth, but he insisted to dismiss what I've said and to believe what he thinks. I had a hard time convincing him that what I said was the solid truth that couldn't be changed, never had, never did, and never will.

Is the truth really that hard to believe? Or is it that what I have tried to explain was just to "good" to be true? It all boils down back to trust. And only now, have I known, that I can't even convince a person whom I had known for 7 years.

Its either that the truth is too indigestible, or there was something wrong with the 7 years of fun, joy and laughter we shared.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mean what you say

When you say something, make sure you are able to do it. Don't just say, and then do nothing.

Yes, its that One Fuckedup Retarded lecturer again, who said that he would post up our test results on the blackboard and has yet to do so.

Enough of deliberate pickings of OFR, it really is irritating (just like that chicken) to have someone say something, and then never gets it into action.

To put it in other words, its like giving false hopes. You wouldn't want false hopes right? Then don't say what you can't do, and do what you say.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Communicating effectively

"对话要对时 也要对人"
Translated to be: "Say the right things, at the right time, to the right person".

Everyone communicates. The normal, the dumb, the deaf, the blind. Communicating may just seem to be an act of making your stand known to others; but there is much much more than that. Communicating, in this context, basically just means talking or chatting, verbally or non verbally.

For an effective communication to take place, 3 conditions must be satisfied: Saying the right thing, at the right time, and to the right person. Should any of the conditions not be met, it will not be considered as communication; even though it may seem so. 3 conditions, which would effectively be 2^3 = 8 combinations.

I don't know why, but I always have people talking to me with the wrong content or to the wrong person. I am so, totally, NOT interested in the topic, yet, they just don't want to give me peace.

Can't understand what is going on in these people's mind. They talk non stop, about a topic you hate, or would bore you, or even hurt you. They don't care, they just fucking go on and on and on. SHUT THE FUCK UP FUCKER.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Exclusive: Yusof Ishak wearing hats!!!

Probably first in Singapore, Yusof Ishak wearing hats.

Partying Yusof Ishak:

Schooling Yusof Ishak:

Yusof Ishak as Sultan:

Yusof Ishak as cowboy:

Now, let's put the quadruplets together:

Yep, all folded by me. All using only one piece of note. If you want to see the real thing, please arrange to meet me before its too late. (when I feel broke I might just spend them)

Now, only if they can smile... ...

Oh ya, forgot something:

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Translated to be: "The faster you want to complete a task, the more difficult it will be to complete."

Haste, a word often heard in MapleStory parties. Denotes a skill which allows you to move faster, thus killing monsters faster and leveling faster. Anyway, let's not talk about haste in virtual context. Let's apply it to real life.

Let me ask you. How many vehicles do you think can go pass an amber light in Singapore? The answer is (highlight it) stunningly 1 bus, 1 car and 2 lorry trucks, not a 4 lane road, but a 2 lane. I saw them really speed pass that amber light.

Is being hasty really that important? Yes, only when you are such a procrastinator *hint hint to [miin]*, and the datelines are coming. But other than that, I don't see a reason to why you should do things faster than a speed you are comfortable with. You are just giving yourself a chance to make mistakes.

However, there are somethings, which I really don't know why, approach it with or without haste, you can never get it done; at least not yet. Failures of being hasty, and never occurrences of being not hasty. When you don't rush into it, people think that its totally not important to you, and never take any actions to it. Rush into it, and others think why the heck are you so fucked up with something like this.

Life, so fucked up that you don't really know what to do.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

One Fuckedup Retarded lecturer

After 3 weeks of totally being on books, I am free~~~ For the time being.

Now I want to say about One Fuckedup Retarded lecturer. Just an amplification of Mr Fuck Ruhua in Lecturers Nowadays.

Lost count of how many things he pisses me (and others) off. Let's do a count now:

1. He teaches wrong things in class.
2. His Blackboard materials information are wrong.
3. His notes contains quite a few broken English.
4. His test paper has too much questions, no one finished.
5. He marks our test paper against his wrong answers.
6. His attitude sucks.
7. He is constantly looking down on people.
8. He degrades other peoples' works when his is nowhere better.
9. He thinks his Permanent head Damage and his experience (when he is in his late 30s) is everything.
10. He makes use of our assignment to "help" him in his research.

Wow! 10... I think there are definitely more, but lets just concentrate on this 10.

1) He teaches wrong things in class.

One of the things I just can't get over with. If he don't know what something (stress-shielding) means, then don't try to act smart and end up giving a whole lot of shit which is so god damn wrong. I can't remember what he said, for I can't find any logic in what he said that could help me remember.

Still acting smart, he goes on to explain "in vitro". "Something that is happening in a dead body", he exclaimed. Oh well, I would like to see you perform an in vitro fertilisation. Nowhere, seriously nowhere on the Internet can you find a definition of "in vitro" as being in a dead body. He has his own "Permanent head Damage" dictionary, printed in Malaysia.

2) His Blackboard materials information are wrong.

"Sensors and transducers", he gave. When sensors ARE transducers. What's worse is that he has been fiddling with sensors for years.

3) His notes contains quite a few broken English.

Well, self explanatory. Had a hard time studying his notes, with all that Engrish, and all that long sentences that he always includes in almost every page you can find at least one in every page and of course he seems to like to use them without knowing that he has been typing for the past few minutes without using fullstops or commas or any other punctuation like... . and , and ? or " or : or ; and ( or ) and '. You get it.

4) His test paper has too much questions, no one finished.

First time I've heard that no one in the whole class can finish a paper. List 5 reasons, and give 3 examples. 8 points to write about. He only gives 4 marks. 100 marks paper, 200 points, 2 hours. He may be able to finish, but he can't compare himself with us. He has been doing that for don't know how many years and its only 9 weeks for us.

5) He marks our test paper against his wrong answers.

Well, I couldn't confirm this yet, but he said during our test that Qn #, ### is just a value to confuse us, there is no need to use that value for the calculation. And after the test, I questioned him why that value should not be used. He gave a reasoning that was totally wrong (I only found out it was wrong a few days later). So I suppose he has a wrong answer scheme as he gave a wrong reasoning.

6) His attitude sucks.

Well, it just sucks. See 7, 8 and 9 below.

7) He is constantly looking down on people.

From students to lecturers, from civilians to government, from Singapore to Causeway (NOTE: NOT into Malaysia), even his own boss. Constantly giving comments which, I don't deny that some are interesting, has a hidden meaning to all of them. Nothing in his eyes is good. Everything just seems to be wrong when it passes through his mind. Ah~ 1 thing that isn't wrong - anything that concerns him. See 8.

8) He degrades other peoples' works when his is nowhere better.

Lots to mention, but I just really feel like saying this to him: "Well, your markers' positional accuracy is very precise, but the shift in rotational axis in the joints are unpredictable. Looks like there is nothing you can do. Awwwwwwww. But you know what? You are just blaming the nature for the fact that you can't solve it. You are supposed to be doing a research on it. Meet problems, solve problems. *I love this* But what have you done till now? NOTHING!!!"

9) He thinks his Permanent head Damage and his experience (when he is in his late 30s) is everything.

Yes, we may have less knowledge and experience than you. But yours is not everything. Don't try to use it on anything. Having me to spot so many mistakes you make, you seriously have a problem with the piece of paper (PhD) you have.

10) He makes use of our assignment to "help" him in his research.

During our assignment briefing, this was what he said: "What you do, will, hopefully, help me in my future works." So now what? He is taking us as free labour for his R&D? Using the fact that it has a weightage in our final grades to trick us into helping you? Try something better. Of course, I won't waste my marks away just because I don't agree in what you do. But seriously, despicable.

Seriously, seriously, seriously. As a professional educator, you failed. Go back to your Malaysia, I (we) don't welcome you here. Or maybe your Malaysia also have people like me? Hmmmm. But well, people like me is due to people like you.

Rest assured, our class now won't be like what you have for the past semester. Give not even a B for the whole class? Then, I will, within ALL my means, make you give me at least an A. We will see.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Different Lives

Translated to be: "Same, we are all humans, but we have different lives".

Do you believe a person can live 2 totally different lives? I do, cause I did.

I "was" a pure engineering student. Free time, boring lessons, quick revision and easy papers. These was what I had been doing for the past 5 semesters. This semester, I am doing something different. Biology. This is how I would describe it: "Time consuming, memory work(SSSsss), library, library, library and books."

For once, I am actually able to sit in front of my computer, and the whole day was just work, assignment and report (not today of course, but if you were to not take into consideration my blog time, then yes, today is also counted). The power of biology.

Few days ago, on my way home, with 3 books, total 10.5cm thick, to be used for my reports, I walked pass a malay (for identification purpose only, not in any part racist *although those who know me well should know what kind of person am I*). I heard 2 words behind my music from my ipod. "Total Nerd", loud and clear. This just shows how stupid he (note that i used "he" and not "malays") can get.

First, he doesn't have an affinity for books. He is knowledge-less. Second, he was stupid enough to think that I can't hear what he said (which I pretended to) through my earphones. Third, maybe he was just born stupid. Whatever. And I am going back to school on Monday with 4 books :D 12 cm.

Same, we are both humans, but he lives a stupid life, I don't. Same, me, but I can live 2 different lives - that of a engineering student and that of a biology student. Although to be exact, I have 3 lives. Sounds like in a game or what.

Anyway, different people really have different lives. Which life you choose to live depends on you. Live 1, find it hectic? Why not live 2? Or choose to be like me, 3.

Monday, November 5, 2007


"人生道路千万种 唯独一道必行之"
Translated to be: "There are many different paths in life, and one must take only one path."

We make choices everyday on every smallest possible thing you can think of. You think before you make that choice, or you don't. And you will only have two outcomes - favourable or unfavourable.

For things so familiar, you don't even think before making a decision. And when the outcome is unfavourable, you only have yourself to blame. For things so important and influential, you can, need and must think before making decision. You may take awhile, few days, weeks or years to make your decision, but when it has to be decided, you have to decide.

After you make your choice on something, you could suddenly think you had just made the wrong choice. You go moody. Sleepless. Regrets. Nothing you can do, its your choice. You try to change your decision. You try to avoid the possible unfavourable outcomes that may surface. Bad? Definitely as it sounds.

Most unexpectedly, the outcome din't come as you had imagined. It may not be understood why your anticipated unfavourable outcome never appear. And you start to wonder why were you worried in the first place. That, is life. Full of unexpectency.

Still, you have to face outcomes of your own choices. Regret or not, you can't do anything to change your choice.

Make choices, don't regret, and face its outcomes; with joy or sadness. That, is making choices in life.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

2012 Dec 21st Doomsday

Mayan Doomsday Prophecy Part1/5

Mayan Doomsday Prophecy Part2/5

Mayan Doomsday Prophecy Part3/5

Mayan Doomsday Prophecy Part4/5

Mayan Doomsday Prophecy Part5/5

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lecturers nowadays...

Being lecturer specific here, a few actually, but I am not going to name them (directly). You know, lecturers (teachers) nowadays do a blog search about posts regarding them.

First on the list: The die-die-do-it-my-way lecturer.
Mr A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q U S T U V W X Y Z *name*
This lecturer, forbids you to approach a question in another way other than his. Worst of all, he demands you to use a specific coloured pen to draw a specific line on a specific page.

Second: The Oh-everything-is-so-not-going-anywhere lecturer.
Mr Fuck Ruhua
Criticize almost everything except his own works. *Blah blah blah*, results? NOTHING...... *Blah blah blah*, results? NOTHING...... *Blah blah blah*, results? NOTHING...... *Blah blah blah*, results? NOTHING...... *Blah blah blah*, results? NOTHING...... Goes on forever. Gives a 狗眼看人低feeling (look down on others).

Third: The one-week-change-once-clothing a.k.a forever-chewing-something lecturer.
Mr 令狐冲 (A character in Jin Yong's novel "Swordsman")
Always see him with the same 2 set of shirts walking around the campus; and when during the new year he appears with a new set of shirt and pants, everyone is so excited.

Fourth: The forever-having-orgasm lecturer.
Ms Sneezing
Well, according to our blackie, she sounded like she is always having the orgasm.

Fifth: The 3cm-thick-5cm-diameter-spectacles
Mr Red Lips
The nickname says it all! :D

Many more, can't recall now.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Food Hygiene

Yes, you guessed right. I am here to warn others about a (in my point of view) fucked up stall.

Singapore Polytechnic Foodcourt 4 Ban Mian

Although I frequent FC4 almost everyday, but till now, 2.735294118 years since I came into SP, I only ate from that stall 4 (or 5) times. And guess what? I am just that lucky to receive a bowl of noodles from that stall with a bug. Poor, dead, roasted, stewed and marinated bug, about 57/113 the size of the nail of your little finger (that, of course excludes people like *you know who*, who has freaking long little finger nails).

When I found the bug, I 'what the fuck'-ed and stomp back to the stall. I waved to him, pointed to him the bug and kept quiet. Then, I heard the two girls, who were waiting for their noodles, exclaimed *out of my vocabulary*-ly, :"咦~~~为什么有虫的~~~???!!! (Eeeee~~ Why got bugs one~~~???!!!)". I am not sure if they managed to finish their noodles. He apologised 4 times in total. Refunded me my money, and offer to prepare a new bowl.

The bug here is not the main focus, because eating that bowl of noodles may (would) not result in any deaths or uncomfort. But, isn't just disgusting? To find a bug in your food. Lucky for me, I was still stirring the noodles when I saw it. Imagine you only saw it until you finish your last strand of noodles. You would curse and swear (not for someone who enjoys eating bugs). Well, if for me, I wouldn't be just returning the noodles, I will call upon the NEA. I will not just keep quiet and show him the bug 'sleeping' there, I will make sure the whole FC gets to hear what I say. I will not just make do with a refund, I will make them lose their licence.

Moving on to the refund. Now, this is my main point. With his right hand holding to the bowl, passing on to my right hand, his left hand holding on to $3, trying to pass on to my left hand, below the bowl, trying to hide his act of refunding. What does this mean? What does this look like? Maybe you can't visualise the whole situation, so let me tell you, the whole scene looks like bribery. Trying to save some reputation? Fat hope! I am going to tell everyone. BlehXz. :P

And one more thing. I saw a guy, helping himself with more anchovies (ikan bilis). While caught red handed by the guy inside, his reaction was: "诶!不可以,很贵的。。。你没有付那么多钱,不要拿酱多!(Oi, very expensive, this one. You never pay so much, don't take so much.)" Come on! Anchovies expensive? Who the fuck are you trying to kid? Noodles + veges + meat + egg. Collecting $3 still not making money? Taking a few more anchovies will make you bankrupt? Don't be an ass! Pucker! (With a 'P'~~~~, as quoted from "SHH").

I have said my piece. I am not going to eat from that stall ever again, so does my friend(s). How about you?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Save the Earth(?)

Still remember the concert that stretched across 7 continents on 07/07/07? That was a call for people to "save" the Earth. And now I am blogging about "saving" the Earth.

Nope, I am not trying to "promote" "saving" the Earth, but I am here to ask :

The concert ended with rubbish, literally and figuratively.

Tons of rubbish left behind by viewers of the concert was so much helpful to "save" the Earth. Imagine the monoxides produced by incinerating them. I think the Earth liked it very much.

No doubt, the concert did awaken many people to the "importance" of "saving" the Earth, but is it enough? NO!

Its very common to see recycle bins around Singapore nowadays. However, how often do you see people using them? OR, how often do you see old people digging cans and papers from these bins for their living? OR, how often do you come across a fully filled bin; with the excess just being thrown at the sides of the bin? OR, have you ever seen them catch fire? OR, (you get what I mean).

"Save" the Earth? Great effort by the civilians and government.

Take public transport, that's the way. Yet, more and more trucks and lorries are moving around the roads of Singapore to transport building materials. Development: another great way to "save" the Earth.

If you did pay some attention while you were on the train, you would have noticed how many places are building buildings (English, weird -.=). Beyond Boon Lay Station (2 upcoming stations and a LRT system), Boon Lay station (former bus interchange), Lakeside station (Lakeshore condominium), Chinese Garden station (along the lake), Jurong East Interchange (IMM, infront of IMM, somewhere around International Business Park), Clementi station (Tradehub 21, former bus interchange), Dover station (SP), Buona Vista 'Interchange' (MRT Circleline).

Wow! All the way from beyond Boon Lay straight to Buona Vista, you have trucks, cranes, bulldozers, humans, .etc giving away 'gases'. Not to mention other places like Somerset, beyond Marina Bay (future), IR, Sentosa, any other places with MRT Circleline, future MRT Downtown line, (I can't finish mentioning them).

Again, "saving" the Earth? Great effort by the government and developers.

The importance of money, still overrules the need to save the Earth, for now, as shown by the government.

So, why waste your efforts to "save" the Earth? Only to be overpowered by developments.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Preparing for the worst

Imagine this situation: You just bought a new phone. Happy and so, stored all contacts into it, and you lost it the next day. Few hundreds of contacts gone.

Or imagine this: You calculated how much your retirement needs. Did all necessary arrangements and preparations so that you can retire. One day, after you retire, you fell ill, spent all your retirement money, you recover fully, but you are left with nothing.

These are still not the worst scenarios that can happen. Still, they are enough to make you feel like an idiot. There is nothing you can do. You can't turn back time. You can't get back to your original status for most cases. You just can't, even with money or power.

My phone almost died on me today, and the first thing I did when I reach home was to start backing up my contacts. Typing them onto a word document, name by name, alphabet by alphabet. Now, that's preparing for the worst.

Although (bad) things may not be necessary at all happening in your life, precautions still had to be made. Make sure everything had been taken care of. Imagine the worst case scenario. Make arrangements. Waste time. It's worth it. Even if your precautions never had a chance to be utilised, enjoy the satisfaction of being safe.

Crap, I feel like I am advertising for insurance companies. Whatever may be, prepare for the worst.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Adults nowadays...

Day in day out, we hear the older generations teaching us to be courteous, but do they really practice it?

Do you disturb and demand people to reply you when they are on the phone? Do you "request" to see something that someone else is reading? Apparently, older generations like to do it. That is their apprehension of courtesy.

Been to a wedding dinner recently, and these things did happen. I was obviously on the phone and busy with stuffs, but they don't seem to care. They continue talking to me and asking me questions, this and that, endlessly, as if they will never ever get another chance to talk to me. Yes, I do have two ears, but they can only work cooperatively not individually (even if they do, there is only one brain processing).

Also, while looking at the menu for the day, one of them said to me :"Is this the menu? Let me see. (and proceed to move her hand towards the menu I am holding on to)". She could well just say:"Can I have a look at it?". "Can" still sounds demanding, but still, asking; rather than just demanding it.

You have seen the older generations "disciplining" the younger generations just off the streets, many times. Some of them was necessary, while some of them were just redundant. But have you seen the older generations being ticked off when they did something un-courteous, wrong, or annoying? No. Because we were all taught to not talk to strangers. Whatever.

Just why is it that younger generations have to put off with older generation's nuisances? Just because you older generations can't get use to seeing (看不惯) something that us younger generations are doing, doesn't give you the authority to chup jit kah (poke their noses into the matter). Just because us younger generations didn't tick you older generations off, doesn't mean you are right. Its because we are avoiding trouble.

Is it not funny that the moment we voice our views (of the older generations) to them, we are being rebutted with:"Oh! How can you talk back to me? I am your older generation. I ate salt more than you ate rice. You should listen to me. You are rude."? If you do eat that much salt, you shouldn't be still alive, much more to say to discipline us. If we were rude, so are all those who "scolds" younger generations in the public. And yes, I would like to listen to you on how to use the computer, since you said so.

Not that I say that all of us younger generations are right, but when you older generations are faced with reasoning rather than "don't kaypoh/diam la/your problem arr?", you should start rethinking if the society have changed, or were you really wrong.

Generation gaps, caused by older generations being unwilling to accept modern reasoning.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Being cheated

Translated to be :"No one can be trusted"

Have you been cheated before?

People can be cheated in many ways - money, feelings, service, sex, or anything else. In TV serials (or real life) where there is a love polygon (almost to be considered as a circle), they cheat around. Old people get cheated with apples and oranges. Teachers get cheating students. Friends cheat each other, for fun or for ownself. Cheating, and being cheated, is everyday, everywhere, everytime, and everyone. I wouldn't believe no one has cheated or no one hasn't ever been cheated.

We cannot stop others from cheating, but we can prevent ourselves from being cheated. Trust, is the key. Do you trust everyone? No you don't. No one does. There are different levels of trust. Absolute trust, partial trust, or totally no trust at all. How many friends to you trust absolutely? How many friends do you tell everything to? For me, its only one. The more people you give trust to, the more vulnerable you are to being cheated.

How many people do you trust? That is not important. What is important is how many people do you not trust at all? Well, nobody likes to not trust someone, but we have to do it. There is nothing we can to about it. Some poeple are just ment to not be trusted. They cannot be trusted and must not be trusted. Trust them, and get cheated.

When you tell a secret to a friend, and he promised to not tell others, but went around to spread it like peanut butter, kaya, butter, jam... ... (alright, you got it already). Even this "simple" act is an act of cheating on friends. You trusted them, but it was misplaced. Unlucky. That is all that you can say. Prevention? Trust no one.

Would you give 100% trust in a relationship? In theory, you should. Idealy, you should. To have a happy relationship, you should. But, will you? Can you? I wouldn't. Maybe 99.999999999999... ..., but not 100. Just can't. You can't be sure when your other half will bluff you on (an answer for a question you are stuck on) or (when he/she gives you a surprise even though you asked what he/she is up to). Maybe that will be the only times they would not be telling the truth, but that is still equivilent to being cheated. What I am trying to say here is that, big or small, never totally trust them.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007


There is a limit to everything, how true. (originally quoted from [miin])

Everything has its limits. Just like me trying to upload an 11Mb attachment onto an e-mail and triggered [miin] to come up with this. Limits are there, of course, to limit things that we do or things that can happen.

Things that are meant to be done have to be done. Like for [miin] who procrastinates her assignments again and again for the whole holiday, there is a limit to slack time, I say. Also, limits exists for the amount of assignment one is supposed to get. But unfortunately, this limit is totally different between a student and a lecturer.

Life, also has its limits. When a person has to die, that person must die.

When achieving things, we often don't know the limits we can reach. We naturally continue moving forward irregardless of whether we have reached our limits. Behind our limits could be an impassible wall, or a cliff, with the latter being the more dangerous one. Therefore, we must know our limits to prevent irreversible disasters.

Now, lets limit x to infinity... ...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

How knowledgeable are you?

First in the series, click here to take the quiz.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jumping into conclusions

骑白马不一定是王子 也许是唐僧
长翅膀不一定是天使 也许是鸟人

Translated to be:
The one who rides a white horse may not be a prince. He could be Tripitaka.
The one with wings may not be an angel. He may be a bird man (jiao lang).

Sometimes, somethings are just too often seen that we jump into conclusions. That is the result of constant exposure to the same cause and effect over and over again. These exposures are beneficial, but people use them in the wrong way - jumping into conclusions.

The result of doing the same thing may not turn out to be the same. It could just be that some results appear more often than others. Take running as an example. Not everyone finishes with a better heart, some finish with a dead heart.

Even during something that can determine the life and death of someone, in a court trial, lawyers often jump into conclusions and throw back at the witness. Such acts can sometimes make complicated things easy, or make them even more complicated. Decision of life and death... ...

Jumping into conclusion is something no one should ever do. How much it affects, how positive or how negative, varies to each individual. Such acts are more dangerous than it can do good and therefore one should not jump into conclusions.

But, its the human nature to do so... ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Small world

First, I got to know that one of my friend is staying at just the block beside me. Next, when we were taking cab back home, the driver lives in the same block as my friend.

How small can this world get? How often do you face these kind of situations? You average walk pass the same person 50 times in your whole lifetime. Scary? And you won't even know who he is.

Go take a look at you friendster. How many times have you been shocked that your friend is your friend's friend? (of course that doesn't include "oh you viewed my profile, let me add you")

Your sister's classmate's brother is your classmate?

By chance you meet your teacher in school when he was just only back to use the toilet? (he was nearby -.=)

And of course, in the ***(lets just let somebody know what I am talking about and leave some others in the dark), every time you meet people you know or had seen before. Your enemy could be your friend's good friend. Your enemy's enemy is your friend. Your friend's enemy's friend's friend is actually you. Whatever.

The world is so small that it scares me. Too many times of coincidence, just too many.

You say, isn't the world small? Or is it just that Singapore is small?

Monday, September 17, 2007


Translated to be:"No secrets in this world can be kept"

Everyone has secrets. Everyone. They are kept for a number of possible reasons:
  • protecting oneself from harm,
  • protecting others from harm,
  • keeping your views unknown,
  • preventing a disaster,
  • or simply just for the fun of it.
But secrets will eventually not be secrets. The harder you try to keep them, the easier they will be exposed. Secrets are meant to be shared anyway.

Nobody can keep a secret. Secrets are hard to keep anyway. Friends drill and dig you for the secret. You blurt it out when you are drunk. Your trusted friend betray you by spreading them. You need this secret to prove your innocence. And of all, you get sick from keeping the secret(literally, or non literally).

And when the secret is exposed, you blame yourself(or others) for leaking them. You wish you could turn back time and continue keeping it. Whats done is done. It is not a secret anymore. However, if you were to settle down and think for a minute, exposed secrets are not that bad after all. You get the relief of keeping a secret. You can discuss it openly and come to a conclusion that you could never think of. Your friends can help you in any difficulties you encounter. Continue thinking and you can come up with a thousand of reasons why secrets are supposed to be made known.

Self denial? Absolutely not. To a certain extend, yes, they relief your pain for your loss of secret. But these reasons are not lies you tell yourself. They are not for self denial. These are actual benefits that can't be compared to benefits of keeping a secret in anyway. That, is how it should be.

Sometimes, outcomes of revealing a secret can be unexpected. Your crush may be having a crush on you too(what everyone hopes for), your friends ostracise you(if so, they are not fit to be your friend anyway), your parents disown you(till then, you may start to debate if your parents are really your parents), or worse of all, someone gets jailed or dies over this secret(but still, it shouldn't be kept). It will reveal how true your friends are, who are the supportive ones, and who are those that should be shunned. Painful as may be, reality. But definitely worth the truth you get.

So go ahead, tell your friends what ugly things you did, tell your crush how much you feel about them, and best of all, tell me all your secrets(evil laugh).

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Enjoy Life

"人生好比被强奸 不能挣扎就好好的享受一番"
Translated to be: "Life is akin being raped. When you can't resist, enjoy."

How contradicting. An optimist first post(and heading) with a pessimist blog address. Who cares.

There are many things in life that we can't do anything about(as in, preventing it from happening). Like having a bad exam(the questions you get) resulting in bad grades, the loss of loved ones, betrayal of friends, and many other things that no one with a right mind would want it to happen. The only thing we can do is how we react to these mishaps. You can rant and complain about them for one day, one week, one year, or forever. But one thing for sure: You still can't do anything about it. It HAS happened.

Of course, you can do things to make yourself better(rantings), or to seek justice(revenge, reasoning, quarreling). In fact, these should be done and must be done. One must stand up for the unjust one has faced. When people say:"恶人自有恶报"(Translated to be:"Evil doers will eventually pay for their doings"), they are telling others that they are weak. They don't dare, and don't have the ability to seek justice. They are just waiting for others to seek justice for them.

Waiting is not an option in life(unless you are faced with the danger of being ostracised and whacked like in the case of cutting a queue). Do things when they are supposed to be done. Procrastination only ends up in traffic jams(of your own time-traffic).

Ignore people whom asks you to stop seeking justice(sounds nicer than revenge? shouldn't be called "revenge" too; that's a wrong word to use), for they are just trying to stop you from enjoying life.

Ignore people whom labels you as someone without humanity, for they are wrong. You are just acting as a reflector. Send everything back. Protect yourself.

The key to enjoying life depends on how you face your unhappiness in your life. Forgetting is not an option. Neither should it be.

Go ahead. Do what you want(leave this out when you are in army). Enjoy life the way you want it.